Saturday, August 4, 2007

"Ayudarme! Yo no entiendo!"- Mid-Intermedio II Leccion Tres

Help, i don't geddit! Was struggling in class today...this is the third lesson of my mid-intermediate II class. SIGH....why do people seem to rattle off in Greek when it's suppose to be spanish we are learning? Yo no se por que!

Anyway, here's what I learnt today, and it's the easy part: How to ask for permission (pemiso) and favours (favores) and to tell the difference between the two.

Pedir permiso:
(To ask for permission)

"Puedo cambiar la temperatura la aire condicionado?"
(Can I adjust the air-con temperature?)

Pedir un favor:
(To ask for favour)

"Puedes/e bajar un poco le television, por favor?"
("Could u please lower the volume of the TV?")

The key is in the conjugation of the word "pedir". "Puedo" is used normally for permissions where the action taken is required of self. "Puedes/e" is used normally when requesting a favour when the action required is from the other; thus the conjugated form corresponding to Uds./Ud.

In general,

puedo + inf + es que + (explicacion)

puedes/s + inf + es que + (explicacion)

hasta la proximo sabado!

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